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Luke Ranieri's List of Idioms

Luke Ranieri is Scipio Martianus, and his work can be found on YouTube, or by listening to Legio XIII, a podcast he does with Jessie Craft.

Part 1

1. Sīs. Sultis. Please (enforces command)

2. Sōdēs. Please (softens command)

3. Mitte haec! Omitte istaec! Stop it!

4. Missum fac. Forget it.

5. Mitte mē! Leave me alone!

6. Bene nārrās! Great news!

7. Haud invītus audiō. I'm glad to hear it.

8. Male nārrās! That stinks!

9. Invītus audiō. I'm sad to hear it.

10. Ōtiōsus estō! Take it easy!

11. Sophōs. Bravo.

12. Prōsit! Cheers!

13. Bona verba! Don't say such a thing!

14. Pāce tuā [dīxerim]! No offense!


Part 2

1. in promptū : at hand, easy

2. ratiōnem dūcere/habēre (+ gen) : to have regard for, to be concerned about

3. etiam atque etiam : again and again

4. nisi/nī fallor : unless I'm mistaken

5. sē jactāre : to brag

6. juvat mē : I enjoy it

7. itane? ain? : you don't say!

8. quid novī? : what's new?

9. contrā/praeter opīniōnem : contrary to expectation

10. mehercle! hercle! mehercule! meherculēs!

11. ante tempus : too soon

12. ad tempus : at the right time

13. ex tempore : on the spur of the moment

14. meā quidem sententiā : in my opinion

15. in prīmīs / imprīmīs : in the front line, especially

16. quod sciam, quoad sciō/sciam : as far as I know

17. ad summam : in short, in conclusion, in fact

18. in summā : in all, all together, all told; after all

19. salva rēs est! : all is well! everything's fine/cool!

20. in animō habēre : to intend, to have in mind


Part 3

1. prō(h) dolor : tragically

- quod dolet / fātō dolendō : unfortunately

2. poenās/poenam dare : to pay the penalty

3. cum magnō perīculō suō : at one's own peril

4. quam prīmum : as soon as possible

5. etiam cavēs! : do be careful!

6. frustrā esse : to be deceived

7. dē viā dēcēdere : to get out of the way

8. prō cōpiā : according to one's means; as good or as well as possible considering

9. nihil nōn : everything

10. ā tergō : from behind, behind in the rear

11. nihil est : it's no use; it doesn't matter, it's no big deal

12. in tempus : temporarily

13. ex magnā parte : to a large extent

- māximā ex parte : mostly

14. parvī (pretiī) esse : to be of little value

- parvī facere/habēre/exīstimāre : to consider of little value

15. (ex) omnī parte : entirely

- in omnēs partēs : in every respect, altogether

16. multā nocte : late at night

17. verbī grātiā/causā

- exemplī grātiā

18. dextrās dare/jungere : to shake hands

19. Duōs quī sequitur leporēs neutrum capit! : It's not good to have too many irons in the fire.

20. Plūs vident oculī quam oculus : Two heads are better than one.


Part 4

1. cordī esse : to be important to

2. sēcum pugnāre : to be inconsistent

3. diem dē/ex diē : from day to day, day after day

4. in diēs : as the days proceed, every day, increasingly

5. in diem : each day, daily ( = cotīdiē )

6. prīmō mēnse : at the beginning of the month

7. ex ōrdine : in order, taking turns, one after another

8. ē/prō rē nātā : as the circumstances dictate, spontaneously, on the spur of the moment; at once

9. ex sententiā : to one's liking

10. ex animī sententiā : to the best of my knowledge

11. mihi arrīdet ( ≠ mē arrīdet ) : it appeals to me

12. litterās discere : to learn to read and write

13. sūs Minervam [docet] : the pig teaches Minerva

14. opus est : to need

15. eandem cantilēnam [semper] canere : to keep harping on the same theme

16. nōn nēmō : many, quite a few actually

17. parēs cum paribus facillimē congregantur

- cicāda cicādae cāra, formīca formīcae

: birds of a feather flock together

18. meae farīnae est : he/she is my sort of person/my cup of tea

19. prō certō habere, certum scīre : to know for sure

20. aegrē ferre : to not be able to stand/bear/put up with


Part 5

1. caelum ac terrās miscēre : to create chaos

2. ūnus quisque : every single one

3. cōnsilium capere/inīre : to make a plan, to come up with a plan, to come to a decision, to resolve

4. fidem facere (+dat) : to convince

5. centōnēs sarcīre : to tell tall tales

6. nihil ad ___ (esse) : to be nothing compared with

7. nihil ad mē (pertinet) : it has nothing to do with me

8. bene/male audīre : to have a good/bad reputation

9. arcem facere ē cloācā : to make a mountain out of a molehill

10. frūctum percipere/capere/perdere (+gen) : to reap/derive/lose the fruits/benefits of

11. ā/dē capite ad calcem : from head to toe

12. nōn nihil / nōnnihil : something, somewhat

13. medium: public > in mediō/pūblicō esse/versārī: to be in public, to be present

14. ē mediō excēdere/abīre : to die, to leave the world

15. dē mediō tollere: to get rid of, to get out of the way

16. in angustiīs amīcī appārent : a friend in need is a friend indeed

17. floccī (nōn) facere : not to care a bit about

18. ut in ____ : for a ____

19. nūllum medicāmentum est idem omnibus : one man's meat is another man's poison

20. mōrem gerere (+dat) : to comply with, to humor


Part 6

1. magnī facere : to think highly of

2. nē multa : to make a long story short

3. tōtus sum in, tōtus sum +gen, tōtus sum +adj : to be totally devoted to, to be into, involved with, obsessed with

4. (in) tempore, temporī, temperī, ad tempus, per tempus : in time, in a timely manner, (just) at the right/appropriate/proper time

5. ante tempus : (too) early

6. semel aut iterum : once or twice

7. semel atque iterum : time and time again, repeatedly

- iterum atque iterum

- iterum iterumque (v. identidem, subinde, interdum)

8. mihi placeō : I'm pleased with myself

9. prō (virīlī) parte : to the best of one's ability

10. in speciem, ad speciem : for the sake of appearances, for show, as a pretence; to create a false impression

11. in/ad speciem, (sub) speciē, per speciem (+gen) : after the manner of, in the fashion of, like; as if, in order to create the impression of

12. in causā esse, in culpā esse : to be responsible (for a deed or action)

13. rē īnfectā : without achieving one's purpose

14. dē tenerō unguī, ā tenerīs unguiculīs : from earliest childhood

15. mōnstrārī digitō : to be pointed out, to be a celebrity

16. ūnus et (item) alter, ūnus alterve : one or two

17. jubē eum meīs verbīs valēre : say hi to him (from me), give him my best regards

18. sī (tibi) vidētur : if you like, if it seems good to you

19. animum/mentem colligere : to recover, rally, come to one's senses

- sē colligere : to crouch, to recover one's courage or resolution

20. fertur, ferunt : it is said, they say

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