Arianne Potter
Aug 30, 20206 min read
Readalong week 2
Still not reading yet - it'll probably be another week or two, we're still in the thematic set up (plus also catching up from february)...
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Arianne Potter
Aug 30, 20206 min read
A read along! The beginning.
I've never done a readalong before! I've also never Officially Taught a novella before. (quam horrificum!) I've read them with my class...
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Arianne Potter
Jul 19, 20202 min read
More Charades: Silent Sentence Acting
I love this. I've done it at every level, the sentences are sometimes a mess, the whole thing is hilarious, and it helps them with the...
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Arianne Potter
Jul 19, 20203 min read
Scene Charades
Warning: some prep (though not a huge amount) involved. I love charades. It's great for discrete vocab rehearsal, it's funny, and it gets...
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Arianne Potter
Jul 19, 20201 min read
Tag Yourself Memes
I don't know if you've seen tag-yourself memes on facebook. In general they're pretty hilarious. Check it out: So we've done a LOT of...
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Arianne Potter
Jul 19, 20202 min read
(Pre-)reading Without Words
Many of us use gestures or hand signs of some variety to associate with vocabulary words. I've been thinking a lot recently about the...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20202 min read
You and I
One of the things my kids struggle with is you and I, particularly in the perfect tense. This year I've decided to spend a lot of time on...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20202 min read
Past Tense Again
I generally hold off on the past tense until the second year to give the kids some real time to get comfortable with the present. I use...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20202 min read
O Captain, My Captain
I got this idea from a department meeting and then tweaked it a little. Because we're talking about monsters in Latin I, we spent...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20203 min read
Blind Retell
This activity is based loosely on Betsy Paskvan's awesome Blind Retell. I like to do this after a Movie Talk because it provides an image...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20203 min read
Go Fish
Almost every kid I've ever met can play Go Fish (I say almost because it turns out I have one student who's never played, so there goes...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20202 min read
Cobbled Sentences
This is an activity I love to do, but it's important to be very careful about how we do it lest it either a. make so little sense as to...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20207 min read
A quick and dirty guide to telling a story
Story-telling was one of the hardest things for me to start to get good at. I spent my first two years shoving twenty-four words into a...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20202 min read
Read and Draw
This is a summarization technique that I use with some regularity to great effect. I am fortunate to own ten giant white boards (which...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20203 min read
Imperfect and Perfect Tenses
For the last several years, I've been using a translation technique to teach the imperfect and perfect tenses. Because they have...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20202 min read
I was at an immersion program this summer, and I was playing an ongoing game with a good friend of mine from Australia. One of us would...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20203 min read
I don't have a catchy name for this game at all
I do not have a catchy name for this. If you have one, tell me. You can really use this for whatever you want, but I like to use it for...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20203 min read
What's CI?
It occurs to me that I forgot to gloss this, and that's silly. CI is Comprehensible Input. It is the theory of presenting understandable,...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20203 min read
Embedded Stories
There have so often been stories I wanted my students to read that were simply above their heads. The most recent example is Catullus'...
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Arianne Potter
May 28, 20203 min read
(Sometimes) Silent Sustained Reading
It's hard to do free voluntary reading in a classroom because it can't really be voluntary. You're telling them to read. And it can only...
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