Be warned - this is high output, but you could probably modify it down if you wanted them to be producing less unscaffolded language.
I put kids in groups of three or four (I wouldn't do two, or any more than four), and gave them each:
a. a die
b. a short list of vocab words (5-8 words)
c. a list of six questions
Every group got a different list of vocab, and there were three separate question lists, so when they finished one, they got a new set of vocab and a new set of questions.
Group 1 has a list of eight vocab words:
-se contulit
-in mari nata
-quid me fiet
They also have a list of six questions:
-make up an excuse for not doing your homework using the word
-compliment someone in your group with the word
-suggest a fictional character who would like the word, and why
-explain why this word is relevant to your life
-explain your favorite food using the word
-summarize your favorite book or movie using the word
The rules:
1. roll the die. Whatever number comes up informs which question you have to answer.
2. two people have to use the first vocab word before anyone can use the second. then two people have to use the second before anyone can use the third.
Lucy rolls the die. She'll use the phrase se contulit to make up an excuse for not doing her homework.
Amy will go next, and she'll also use se contulit for whichever question she rolls.
Joe will go next, and he'll use stridor for whichever question he rolls.
Katie will go next, and she'll use stridor for whichever question she rolls.
They'll continue until they run out of words, and then they'll come get a new vocab list and a new set of questions.
Alternate ways to play:
a. give each group two dice. one die determines the question, and the other die determines which word they use.
b. give each group a twelve-sided die and more questions.
c. play large group.
Make the questions easier/harder depending on the level.
Other possible questions...
...explain the meaning of life using the word
...describe your morning using the word
...describe your favorite animal using the word about your family using the word
...explain [historical event/event in a story] using the word
...describe your perfect day using the word
...give a synonym for the word
...define the word
...use the word in a sentence
...give an antonym for the word
...ask a question using the word
...describe someone in your group using the word
...describe an object using the word, and require your group to guess what it is about your plans for the weekend using the word about what you like to do using the word